Monday, August 30, 2021

milestone of 175 posts !

milestone of 175 posts !

This year at the end of June had only 85 posts - one of the lowest of years and I thought it is going down as 'not many posts' worth talking this year!

But then suddenly things changed and lo! just two months later we have crossed 174 posts - almost a good score (by my account!?) - wow! 

Now 200 and may be even 225 posts milestones look doable! Won't plan....won't hope - but will just keep writing as and when can and let's see how things shape up........

cheer me up with reading, sharing your comments, insights and all.......and I am sure we can do it  - together............

read on this topic: milestone of 175 posts ! 

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Won't plan....won't hope - but will just keep writing as and when can and let's see how things shape up........

These lines from the above post taught me something new

I always plan and will be tensed and distressed when things don’t work out according to my plan .

I will from now on surrender to reiki and let reiki take care of me