Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Me, my Guru – on ego!



Me, my Guru – on ego!

We thanked her verbally and got away with hallow words like “…
how can we ever repay you maam?...” would we take the same way of gratitude and thanks from our family, friends and our employers? Would we still give our best to them if all they gave us was a verbal thanks and ‘you are so great’ words! We were very clear in the way we wanted to be thanked and appreciated by our family, friends and company. When were given a raise of 20% by company, we felt we were insulted and we would be angry. We would demand 40% rise. Our needs were very clear. We felt we were just in our expectations.
 But when it came to giving and appreciating our Guru, all we had were “Thankyou Gurji and you are so great!?”. Just hallow words. In this double-standards laid our ego. 

In our selfishness was our ego. Whatever we received we had complaints with it, but while giving just with ‘thanks’ we assumed we had become very good person with lots of gratitude. Gratitude is not a word. It expresses itself in action. As long as we play with words to project our inability to give others what is due to them, we have to know, our ego was at play there. Manipulation is the game of the ego!!!

Each one of us understood this story from his angle and came up with expressions of ego. When we summed it up, we were shocked at our own nature.


# on ego, Me, My Guru, king and the guru - story, 

also read suggested : https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=The+veil+-+its+fabric

Pointers to this post :

"Each one of us understood this story from his angle and came up with expressions of ego. When we summed it up, we were shocked at our own nature." - We assume we have understood!?? We are right and wrong there. Our understanding depends solely on the level of our connection with our soul. The less we are connected to soul, more we operate from our ego. The more we operate out of our ego, more damaged is our understanding. It looks logical to our twisted mindset and there in lies our pit fall. For that level of consciousness we are right! But are we REALLY RIGHT? NO! And hence our actions, behaviour and words end up being wrong. We end up bringing in more karma into our account and then suffer its consequences. Clarity of thought is possible ONLY when we are connected to our soul. The more we heal ourselves the nearer we get to our consciousness and our clarity of thought becomes better and better. Dharma can't be followed with ego filled persona. The less ego we carry more Dharmic we become. So you see it is all inter-connected. Heal, heal and heal is the answer for everything! - Be it materialistic life, to better our relationships or to work as per Dharma! It TAKES TIME  for any healing to happen. It doesn't change or happen over night. We generate ego-centric emotions and attitudes like hatred, selfishness, being demanding and pity. The amount of energy we generate over the years is huge and the amount of time healed is very less. So the results take longer to materialise. Ofcourse, it is IMPORTANT THAT WE CHANGE OUR ATTITUDE as we heal. This is mostly overlooked by most of the sadhaks. Change of attitude is next to acceptance and hence never worked on. People want others to change but don't put effort to change themselves. No doubt, same situation keeps coming back in their life again and again......

Questions answered :

  • Why is the same thing coming again and again in my life?
  • When am I going to get respite from my mother-in-law/spouse/job problems/financial problems etc?
  • "Maam, do some magic and make things work for me. When will you do this? "

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