Monday, December 26, 2022

New Milestone this year 2022 - 273


New Milestone this year 2022 - 273

On November 8th 225post looked difficult. But, we not only crossed that but also next one 273...which by all counts was an unattainable one (by my calculations).......

ok - not all posts are 'real posts' per se - but did we put a condition that all posts should be so......we didn't! We just wished that we cross 273 posts and lo! it happened and how it happened....

Let's celebrate this milestone by preparing some sweetmeat and share with people who matter to us we celebrate with some sweet preparation at home and sharing with near and dear, let's also use this to learn something it has to offer "What do we learn from this?

let's revisit the old post to read more on this topic :


Kshitija said...

Mam shall we celebrate this moment by sending reiki to earth together

V Sridhar said...

Congratulations 🎊 and Best Wishes ❤️🙏