Friday, December 15, 2023

The mystic says – On waiting!


The mystic says – On waiting!

When we desire something, it doesn’t manifest immediately.

We have to wait! We are forced to wait – each one of us – be it Lord Rama when he was in search of Mother Sita or Lord Shiva, when he had to wait for Mother Shakthi to take form to unite with her after her demise as Sati.

When Ma Sita was kidnapped by Ravanasur, Lord Rama couldn’t send the search party immediately. Why? Because it was rainy season. They had to wait for the season to pass! Look at the emergency and yet, they had to wait! What can be more pressing than that situation in our lives? Lord Rama is not great because he killed the man who took his wife – no, because of how he conducted himself throughout his life, especially during his testing times. Patience is a virtue! A virtue that is rare to come by! And our Lord Rama had it in abundance. And that is one of the reasons why he came to be called “Purushottama” – jewel among men. 


# patience, virtue, waiting, trust, faith, miracles, disciplined mind, disturbing emotions, Rama, 

also read: 

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Thank you reiki
This week sadhan
1. I lost a family member and this week I had a dream of her and after that I felt very peaceful.
2. The sadhan gave me strength to face the situations of my life.
3. All the strength is with in me .
4. I have become more calmer.
5. Thank you reiki for every blessing of my life.
6. There is a change in my attitude towards family members.
Thank you reiki thanks a lot .
I am feeling lighter, stronger, happier.