Sunday, December 24, 2023

Reflections – on celebrating being alone!



Reflections – on celebrating being alone!

So, the point here is, that we may end up being alone for some reason at some point in time. We can make it our ‘miserable time’ or ‘time to be with self’. We always complain that ‘we adjust’ because of others in our family. Use such times to ‘live life without adjustment’. Live such times with right perspective and these periods can end up being – rejuvenating, claiming and beneficial for our well-being. We can use it to know ourselves and get connected to self. We can enjoy the silence that comes with staying alone! We can fix our timetable wholly as per our wish and comfort. Benefits are many – for those who view it as a ‘me time’. Now, people are spending huge amounts to get detoxed through ‘me-time’ or ‘alone time’ vacays.

We are getting all that free of cost. We too can get that benefit if we choose to!

Loneliness or alone time – it’s all in the perception.

Tanhaee mein rahane mein aur tanha rahane mein faraq hai. Mein tanhaee ke saath rahata hoon.

There is a big difference between being alone and living in solitude. I live with myself. I want to live alone! And hence know that ‘solitude is bliss’.



# loneliness, alone, solitude, bliss, on relationships, happiness, joy, little joys of life, you are what you read, outer world reflection of inner world, inner joy, calmness, disturbed mind, disturbing emotions, confusion, chaos, inner chaos, clarity of thought, 

also read suggested: 

Question time:

What did you find here today?

What is your take on this post?

Did you find the solution to your problem?

Did you find the answer to your question?

Is it applicable to your life? If yes, how?

Have you ever applied it in your life? What happened? Did it benefit you or hurt you?

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