Wednesday, December 27, 2023

End of year – 2023 - A round up!



End of year – 2023 - A round-up!

“Your life is a reflection of your thoughts”. A grateful mind is ever happy. And a happy mind creates a happy world.

A petty mind discusses, thinks (or rather judges), and focuses on petty, insignificant things.

An angry mind creates an angry disturbed chaotic world.

The world being the same for all, it appears different to different people. And that depends totally on one’s mindset. So, first take a little time daily, to bring awareness to your thoughts, and actions. Little by little see how and where your mind is resting every day!

Saint and the sinner – both have the same soul – same energy.

Krishan and Shakuni have same soul.

Buddha and the thief both have same soul.

Ramana Maharshi and you – both have same soul – then why the difference?

YOUR thoughts are scattered, disturbed, chaotic, unruly, distracted, unruly, distracted, inconsistent and have no focus what-so-ever!

Hence, they lose their power in being so. Collect them. Focus them. Raise them from petty things of this world to the higher things – step by step. With regular practice and sadhan. Tap into the immeasurable power within. Don’t be and live like a beggar seeking alms saying “maam, bless me so my desire be fulfilled” or “Bless me and work your magic” – DON’T!

You have got the power to move mountains! Aim for the highest!

Aim to tap into that unlimited power that is rightfully yours!


# year end, looking back, purpose of life, living life aimlessly, search within, kingdom of heaven, soul energy, soul power, unlimited scope of our expression, divine nature, asuric nature, attitudes, character, growing as a person, scaling heights of spirituality, ego, awareness, mindfulness, 

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