Thursday, December 7, 2023

On fate, destiny, attitudes and choices! – Me, my Guru


On fate, destiny, attitudes and choices! – Me, my Guru

“Guruji, I am told by many and I have read that we meet the people in our lives as per “destiny”. If it is so, doesn’t it mean that I am to be with that person for the rest of my life too? Is that not destined? Why did I meet him if I was not to be with him?” asked Priya.

Our Guruji just smiled at her. And before she could answer, I asked her the long pending question of mind “but if it is true, then how come people in my life have moved on? If destiny has brought them to me, then shouldn’t they be part of my life even now?”

“But Guruji, are we to accept every person we meet in our life seeing it as destiny?” asked Rahul

She smiled and waited for her tea to come. We too waited. She drank her tea, enjoying it as if that was the last cup of her life??!!

I expected her to come up with at least 3 stories to answer our 3 questions today! I wanted to see which of her stories she would repeat. Or would she come up with a new one? I was waiting anxiously. Sometimes, I feel, I am more interested in her stories than in receiving answers to my queries or questions. Maybe, that was one of the reasons I never could go beyond collecting stories. Applying them seemed like a “future project” to me. I laughed at my own thoughts. I knew where the problem was and also its solutions. At least in these cases. And yet, I chose not to work on them. And therefore, I could conveniently quote her “You are where you are because of your choices”.


# fate and destiny, attitudes, character, on choices, we are where we are for who we are, decisions, clarity of thought, actions and repercussions, emotions, law of attraction, 

also read: 


read the link to understand how with our attitudes we are capable of converting "blessing" into a "curse" and wise-versa....

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