Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Me, my Guru – on redundancies of life


Me, my Guru – on redundancies of life

“Guruji, I’ve a problem” Swathi started.

Others joined to share theirs. But today, our Guruji just raised her hand to shush everyone and said with a voice so gently that could put an army to sleep “Nothing of this world is worth losing your sleep, peace and smile!

Some things like food, clothing and shelter are essentials for existence. Work for them and have them. Just don’t your peace for them. Don’t put your ego there. They are not worth it. Work for abundance in every field. Work for excellence. Work to make this world a better place for everyone in this world.

But don’t lost your integrity for it. These things don’t deserve your second glance. You are wasting your entire life pinning for them??!! Why? They don’t deserve you.

Don’t invest yourself so much in them - be it people, things, fame, good name, success, achievements – nothing, I repeat nothing actually matters!



# materials of life, impermanence of things in this world, insecurity, useless things, peace of mind, eternal, facts of life, all that matters at end, illusion, ephemeral, 

also read: https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2016/01/where-to-find-all-answers.html 

and https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2020/06/start-living-today.html 

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