Wednesday, December 6, 2023

A small homework to do with “Grace healings”


A small homework to do with “Grace healings”

Further to Now answer the next part of the question. Keeping your answers in mind, understand the questions correctly and answer them.

Now, if you are receiving “grace healings” from me, can you decide to transfer it to someone else?

Do you have the right/ power to do that?

If yes, give reasons.

If no, then also give reasons.

As before, this also is a compulsory question to be answered. Do!


# right, eligibility to receive, transfer of grace, healings and its limitations, our duties and responsibilities

Read also:

Questions addressed and points to ponder:

  • Our duties and responsibilities are not something that we can transfer in the name of love and concern!!!
  • What are the things that can be transferred and when and why to others?
  • Can we transfer what we receive to others?
  • Are we sure of the intent that is behind our affection, concern, and love for others?


Swati said...

I/ we cannot decide to transfer Grace healings to someone else. May be we can only request to give our part of the benefit to them only if we are also doing our part of sending healing to them.
One may need initial healing to help them or become responsible for oneself. If they are not responsible or doing there own part then asking for healing or send healing will not work for long time.

Kshitija said...

I feel I don't have right to transfer the healings .
Because it is Reiki’s decision to give .