Thursday, December 21, 2023

Me, My Guru – On destiny and our choices!



Me, My Guru – On destiny and our choices!

So, I would say, in such cases, instead of running away, stay back, heal, heal and heal and outgrow the negative impulses you have for the other and part ways.

If the person is in your life for a reason e. that is in line with your soul agenda, then it is a different story. He has come to teach you something. Either to develop a quality or to let go of a quality. It can be something like learning to forgive or being flexible (for an adamant person). Till you learn your lesson, he will go nowhere. Even if he does, some other person with a similar nature will come to teach you the same subject. So, it is up to you to decide if you want to learn from the first person or learn from the fifth relationship of the same kind.” Saying this our Guru left for the day.

I was hurt, confused, angry, and almost in tears.

I didn’t know if I had to be happy that we were the master of our fate or cry over the fate that I had written for myself. Did I take it as the price I paid for my stupidity and ignorance or take it as a lesson necessary for the growth of my soul. Either way, the pain and suffering of the present couldn’t be done away with. But, at least, it was good to know that this pain was optional and temporary if I chose to let it be so. I can change the turn of events for the better with the right attitudes, healing techniques and right choices from now on!

Now the ball was literally in my court!

Now the million-dollar question was “What was I going to do about it? Keep crying about my past choices and curse my fate? Or would I shake myself up of the pity, dependence, and such attitudes that bound me to this pain and walk towards my freedom from all this once and for all?”

I have to wait and see what road I take?



# fate and destiny, soul agenda, soul journey, purpose of life, karma, debts, clearing the accounts of lives, lessons to be learnt, facts of life, reincarnation, 

also read:   


Mona said...

Thank you Ma'am. I have experienced this first hand. You will keep meeting similar people until to heal yourself. And once you heal yourself, the same people change their behavior towards you forever.
- Mona

Bhagyarekha said...

Good afternoon madam,

This is bhagyarekha,

This week experience,
1. one weak moment I got anger unbearably that moment i want to throw my phone, but unknowingly i controlled my self.

2. I accepted the situations.

3. I stop to judge others, I got chit chat in my mind after all conversations i am asking myself what is the use.

4. my throat soreness healed.

5. Past 4 days on wards i stop to use my phone. only phone calls i am using my mothers keys phone. (this is one experience for me)

6. I thanking God, Reiki, Madam (u gave me a strength to help others physically or healings) I thank myself I getting thought to help to others.

thank you madam, thank you reiki thank you gurujis.