Sunday, December 10, 2023

The mystic says – on death!


The mystic says – on death!

The mystic says “Death comes but once but we die every single day many times. That is pathetic!”


We can’t do anything about dying or can we?

Can we do anything about this dying every day multiple times? What is it?

# death, eternity, even you shall pass, dying and living, on life, certainty of life, fact of life, awareness, time, destiny, fate, courage, enlightenment, moksha, eternal life, 

also read: 

It's a long post, but read it if you want answers. Even in previous post i had given link. Without reading it, people say "I have questions and need them to be answered by you in person" - if you want just answers, it's already there for you - read the links them all to find your answers. And if there are still questions unaddressed, then raise a question. 


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