Thursday, December 28, 2023

End of year – 2023 - A round up!



End of year – 2023 - A round-up!

But, it can’t be yours despite it being yours till you hold on to your vikaras (negativities) like anger, jealousy, laziness, greed, selfishness, stupidity, and manipulation which is admired as “cleverness”, cheating, lying, dishonesty, double-standards, ingratitude, arrogance, inferiority complex, confusion, complaining nature, seeking pity, playing the victim or guilty and so on!

Find out what attitudes you’ve of these. For that, you need two great weapons – honesty and courage. Honesty to look at your true nature and courage to accept it without any justification. Drop them. You don’t need them. They are stopping you from being fearless, courageous, satisfied, independent and peaceful.

All this doesn’t mean you’ve to run away from the World or things of this world. You don’t have to go into some jungle in some loin cloth, no! Let’s take the middle path!

You don’t have to lead a sad, poverty-stricken life. Live life king-size! Go to an exotic location. Enjoy the best of food, clothing and shelter. Shop in the finest of malls. Enjoy all the comforts of the World.


# year end, looking back, purpose of life, living life aimlessly, search within, kingdom of heaven, soul energy, soul power, unlimited scope of our expression, divine nature, asuric nature, attitudes, character, growing as a person, scaling heights of spirituality, ego, awareness, mindfulness, 

also read suggested:  

Clarification on homam:

Homam has to be performed at the designated time ONLY!

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