Thursday, January 25, 2024

Republic Day!


Republic Day!

Tomorrow, 26th of January is Republic Day for India.

What is the difference between Independence day and Republic Day?

Why do we celebrate Republic day?

There are lots of teachers among the readers. They celebrate this day in their schools. So, they for sure must be knowing this answer.

Share what you know, at least one point per person so that others too would know the importance and significance of this Important Day for our country.

We need to educate our next generation with this valuable information.

Let them not think it is a holiday and we get chocolates on that day!!!

On this special day, let's do "Earth Healing" so that India progresses into a country that is a torch bearer of Dharm to the World and it guides the World towards peace and completeness.




Good Morning,

Yes Mam, Tomorrow I will Do Earth Healing.

Kshitija said...

1. Republic day is the day on which the constitution of our country has come into effect in the year 1950. On this day the National flag is unfurled by the president at karthavya path
2. Independence day marks the freedom of our country from the British rule . On this day the flag is hoisted by the prime minister at red fort .

I will also do the earth healing today.

Swati said...

Have done 10mins of earth healing