Monday, January 1, 2024

Law and dharma!


Law and dharma!

A restraint imposed by the state is “Law”.

A restraint imposed by self is “dharm”.

Sometimes, the state can impose restrain but not often.

We know how to break the Law. That’s why despite breaking many laws people remain free. That is not justice. The law can be broken. But justice is meted by ‘self’ on self. It is governed by the human heart aka consciousness. It operates from within. That is the reason, even when God or Guru forgives your sins or wrongdoings, your Central Nervous System doesn’t – even when you are ‘adamant’ enough to say “I know I am right” or “no one can find fault with me and my actions because of XYZ reasons”.

Only in a society where most of the people are governed by self-restraint, Dharma resides. There, the society and government are just and where most of the people don’t have self-restraint, there society and government are in a state of anarchy! So true!

What a beautiful Idea!

What a complete concept!

What a wonderful World that would be!

Jai ho for that being the way of life in the “Olden days in India” and hence was called the Land of the Dharm where people’s character was pristine.

So, now that we know this, let’s stop blaming others, society, government, Time and fate for being bad. If you want to live in a ‘good and just society/family’ start it with self!

Let’s bring “dharm” into our lives.

Let’s be the change that we seek!

Let’s work towards building a flawless character!

Let’s work towards enshrining Ram within!

Let’s recreate Ram Rajya the right and complete way!

Let’s set an example to the World about what living in Dharm means!

Let's leave behind the World that is safe for our next generations to come!

Note: Those who are living abroad too fall under this ‘yagna’. For you represent “Bharat” to the people of the World out there. Represent it in all its glory by your acharan – conduct!



# dharm, Vedic philosophy, Law and dharm, National character of the Land called India, character, purpose of life, rules to be followed for walking the path of life, being human, godhood, spirituality, being divine, spiritual journey, 

also read: 

Points to ponder and questions answered:

  • What is "dharm"?
  • How to overcome the cycle of good and bad times?
  • How to build strength to face tough times in life?
  • What is that that protects the man who follows it at all times?
  • What is my contribution to Society?
  • In what best way can I contribute to the Society?
  • As long as one is fearful, one can't follow Dharm. When one follows Dharm, there is no 'fear'. 

  • Wherever life has stationed you (as per your karma), just be there with all humility.
  • Do your job - even as simple as cleaning your home, with all honesty, sincerity, joy and commitment. That would be living in dharm at that point of time.
  • Whatever you do, with whomsoever you live/interact, do it with the utmost kindness, respect, humility, dignity, honesty, joy and integrity of character.
  • Come back to your centre as many times as possible per day. Bring peace within and in the place of your residence with your mere presence. That also would be putting dharm to practice. 


Mona said...

Wish you a very happy new year Ma'am! Thank you, thank you, thank you for 2023. If 2022 was a year of healing, 2023 was a year of growth. I went through my notes and found a remarkable difference in my state of mind, the way I perceive things and react to the same situations. Others at home, also are amazed at the changes in me and it is all thanks to you.

Like every year, I completed the year end ritual of reflection. These questions were also shared by you in the blog. Thank you for this!

What are your achievements and joys?
- Felt extremely happy and proud to see my father achieve his dream of completing his LLB and becoming an advocate, at an age when most people want to quietly retire.
- Very proud of my mother who completed visiting the 12 jyotirlingas this year
- We completed the interiors and moved into a new house
- Adi completed his play school and is now going to big school

What are the memories you made this year?
- Too many! Celebrated all the festivals with gusto, spent lot of quality time with my parents and family
- Did Gruha pravesh of our new house
- Had a mega birthday party at home for Adi
- Visited many places with family - Bir, Ranthambore, Jaipur, Amritsar, Bangalore

What are your strengths that you have realized, worked on or gained this year?
- I realised that I could be patient in demanding situations
- I used to be afraid of falling even when I would climb a stool. But I went to Bir for paragliding, jumped off the cliff and dint feel an iota of fear.
- I had stopped being organised a few years back, now I have regained the skill and am very organised at work

What are your weaknesses you overcame this year?
- Anger
- Procrastination
- Lack of discipline and punctuality
- Complaining attitude

What is the lesson this year has taught you?
- Dont postpone joy and healing
- I am complete in every way. Life is complete.
- You can always make a difference to any situation if only you take ownership and control, plan and work towards your goal

What did you give this year?
- Distributed books to children
- Bought a token of love for someone, which I was thinking about for the past 10 years

What are the lessons from this year that you wish to carry forward next year which will make your next year a better one than this one?

To not waste a single minute fretting about what could have happened. Not waste a single minute complaining about anyone or anything.

When you know there is a situation you are not comfortable with - Meditate on the problem/ situation, break it down into smaller issues, come up with a plan to heal the issue both physically and with reiki. Follow the plan to the T, maintain a journal and repeat. :-)

What are the milestones that you crossed this year?

- Business - Highest revenue so far
- Bagged one of our biggest (and most difficult) orders ever
- Dropped the biggest burden which I have been carrying only for the past 12-15 years. Needed just an honest talk for 10 mins. Felt feather light and extremely happy. All my pain and frustration just vanished like it never existed.

On the whole how would you sum up this year?

It was a busy year with a lot happening. We moved into a new house, Adi started going to school. I met my parents more often and we took short trips whenever we could. I planned for every event/ festival well in advance, was much more balanced, punctual, disciplined, happy than the previous year. At work, things were way more organised than before and the team is disciplined and motivated too.

Thank you Ma'am. Thank you Guruji. Thank you Reiki.

- Mona

Mona said...

I wish all my fellow reiki channels are regular with their Sadhan and experience beauty and growth in every sphere of their life.

In our reiki list, let us add this wish too -
"My fellow reiki channels and I are peaceful, healthy, disciplined and regular with Reiki Sadhan"

- Mona

Mona said...

Milestones - most people laugh when others talk about new year resolutions or milestones. Oh, he's going to stop exercising after a week. Oh, she's going to fall back on her addictions, so on and so forth.
However, most years I have been able to achieve at least a few targets I had set for myself.
Be with Reiki. Nothing is difficult!

what are the milestones you wish to cross this coming year 2024?

- Will achieve revenue growth by minimum 10x for my business
- Will chant Mrityunjaya mantra - 365 malas this year. Will meditate atleast for 30 mins everyday
- Will exercise for at least 5 hours every week of the year. Will lose 15 kg in a healthy way
- Will volunteer for any social cause atleast for 50 hours
- Will read/ listen to at least 12 good books
- Will go on at least 5 short holidays with family or friends
- Will meet my parents atleast 4 times and spend good quality time with them

- Mona

Swati said...

Wow mona, read the whole thing very very inspiring.
Adding few more things after reading from you list.

V Sridhar said...

Wow Mona.. A nice long inspiring list👍... Kudos for your energy, enthusiasm & faith in Reiki Healing.. Keep it up.. Best Wishes for even more beautiful 2024..💐🙏❤️