Friday, January 19, 2024

Achchamma - Great character in a simple lady doing menial job!


Achchamma - Great character in a simple lady doing menial job!


A lady comes to clean the toilets, say, once in 3 to 4 months. During Covid she couldn’t come. She had left for her hometown in AP. But, she kept calling me at regular intervals just to enquire about my well-being! She wouldn’t talk much. Just would call and enquire about everyone’s health in-house.

She came to meet me after 3 years. I asked if she would clean. She said “No, I can’t. Doctor asked me not to”.

I smiled and asked “Then why did you come all the way?”

She replied with a smile “I’ve come for 3-4 days stay. Came to check on your well-being. That’s all!”

She asked me to give her some money. I gave her the money I give to clean the toilets! She was touched immediately.

She asked for food. As there was no one at home, I cooked only khickdi for the day. I shared the same with her. She relished it as always.

And then, she asked for a broom and started cleaning my balcony. She tended my plants, dusted my door-mats and said “You gave so much. How can I leave without doing any work? It’s unethical to take money without giving any service. I don’t like it”.

She is not a “Reiki channel” and yet knew and lived the exchange of energy in the full and right way!

She was poor in material riches and yet didn’t think she ‘deserved’ favours, goodies or even money from others – for free!!!

She could give only her service by doing ‘menial jobs’ and yet she didn’t fall back on the usual and oft-repeated excuses/dialogues of my students and people in general.


# menial job, character, mindfulness, awareness, attitude, life is all about attitude, happiness is all in the character, joyful, gratitude, abundance, validating, 

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