Sunday, January 7, 2024

Reflections - On cleaning – On keeping the house clean!



Reflections -  On cleaning – On keeping the house clean!

It was only few years back that someone explained the logic behind this. They explained how our 240sft house housed 6-7 inmates always. And the people visiting was anywhere between 15-25/day. With that many people coming for studying (departmental exams), games (card games, caroms etc) and for lunch, dinner, evening snacks, there was hardly a probability of keeping the house “Ikea model” clean. Though the house was never dirty, that was the only saving grace for me.

On the other hand, others hardly had people coming over. And even if it be so, then the house was so huge that they could accommodate everything and allocate a place for everything.

I never found a reason to justify how it was. For me, it was bad and I was not able to keep it the way I wished.

But, finally what a relief now! Able to clean room in just 2-3 hrs effortlessly. When finally, it happened it seemed easy. But it took all these years of trial and error. It also meant change every other month. Cleaning every other month, I would change everything. It would take ages to clean the house.

You are going in the wrong direction if these thoughts cross your mind or if these are your arguments:

·        But my sister/aunt or I keep the house clean right from day 1.

·        Everyone praises my house.

Know we are in not competition here. Read the post and understand why this is told. What does a house not being clean mean? What does dirty mean? What do clutter and messy mean?


# on cleaning, cleaning the house, spirituality, mundane routine of life, facts of life, living life the right way, using life to become free, liberation, techniques for moksh, conducive situations to practice spirituality,

read suggested: 

do read the link given as per the date - not as you see it in the link given...

Points to ponder:

  • Whether the house is owned or rented, keep it clean.
  • Whether the house is owned or rented, charge it daily.
  • Whether the house is owned or rented, treat it with respect, love and gratitude.
  • Even if the house is rented, it's ok to treat it nice and feel good about it.
  • Even if the house is rented, we can still be happy in it!

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