Saturday, December 23, 2023

Reflections – on celebrating being alone!


Reflections – on celebrating being alone!

Lucky for me I have been alone – for a couple of days – so will be for a couple of more days to come. This is bliss for it happens far in between for me!

Usually, on such occasions, I cook khichdi or some simple dish. But not today! I took a complete 45 minutes to cook. I enjoyed cooking for myself.

I cooked two dry sabzis (veg curries) and one liquid side dish. And in each of these dishes, I had more than one vegetable. Can you guess the total number of vegetables cooked by me today – six in all – potatoes, pumpkin white and red, drumstick, and lady’s finger? Also cooked leafy vegetables and used coconut too in the cooking. The plate was so colourful and inviting not to forget nutritious! 

Here, I am concentrating on cooking despite being single!  When there is less number of people, I hear people being depressed and uninterested – in anything! “What is there to cook? We are just two of us??!!”

“I stay alone. I am not married/separated or my family stays elsewhere – so why cook well or how can I enjoy cooking and eating if alone??”

This is an oft-repeated statement I get to hear a lot!

Being alone – for whatever the reason and for whatever time need not become a reason to feel low and miss out on living the little joys of life!

One, Shekhar was living in Mumbai all alone. His was a transferable job and he stayed alone for almost 3 years there/. Daily he would cook well including biryani and take even for his colleagues. They would be surprised that he is not only happy but also eating well and sharing his cooking with one and all! 


# loneliness, alone, solitude, bliss, on relationships, happiness, joy, little joys of life, you are what you read, outer world reflection of inner world, inner joy, calmness, disturbed mind, disturbing emotions, confusion, chaos, inner chaos, clarity of thought, 

also read suggested: 


Question time:

Share your experiences of loneliness and solitude, if not in blog at least in your reiki journal. Then read it again after 3 days, 6 days and after 10 days. See how you feel about the same. Write that down too...

Only those who do this exercise will understand why it needed to be done....


Kshitija said...

Thank you reiki thank you guruji
This weeks sadhan
1. I have noticed a change in the way I communicate.
2. My writing skills have changed .
3. I being mindful in doing things .
4. I am taking my classes with awareness.
5. My connectivity with self has improved.
6. I have noticed that I am accepting the situation. Previously I used to go on a joy ride of emotions blaming myself .
7. I am getting my answers especially this post
8. Thank you reiki for all the blessings of life .
9. This week I had dreams some of which are fears I had , others were experiences.
10. I am doing exercise and pranayama .
Thank you guruji

Kshitija said...

Thank you
This post has helped to reflect upon my self .