Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Me, My Guru – On destiny and our choices!



Me, My Guru – On destiny and our choices!

Now, I am talking only in relation to people in our life. If the person in your life is because of reason a. and b. then, once we realize that we asked for them in our ignorance but we have moved on now and that desire no more holds good, they go away from our life – automatically. But, there is a condition for this. You can’t have ill-feelings for that person. You should have cleared all negative feelings and positive feelings for that person. He should get treatment of a stranger in your life. One who is met without any malice or old baggage and one we are always eager to know more! When that spontaneity enters into a relationship, that becomes “karma free”. And the best part is either one of them to be in that state is enough to cut the chords of karma between them.

If the person has come into your life, because you owe him, then till you clear your debts in toto and happily, joyfully and on your own, he wouldn’t go. This is if the debt is financial.

But, what if the debt is of emotions, then either of you should let go off that negative feeling, emotion and come to a space of at least “space of no ill-feeling” for the other. Then, the person goes away from your life as a ripe fruit falls off the tree. You don’t have to make any effort for that. If you are making effort to leave, then there is malice and animosity. In that case, even if you leave the person in this life, the relationship because it is not yet healed completely, you will end up meeting him again in next life time for sure – till you clear off the debts, this cycle continues.


# fate and destiny, soul agenda, soul journey, purpose of life, karma, debts, clearing the accounts of lives, lessons to be learnt, facts of life, reincarnation, 

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