Sunday, December 31, 2023

December 31st – last day of the year – 2023


December 31st – last day of the year – 2023

e.    Little moments of joy are many in between. In the rush of chasing bigger and meaningful dreams and desires, don’t miss out on living these lighter moments. At the end, only those matter. Bigger achievements are far in between. Chase them anyhow. But the little joys are score to a dozen a day. Chase them, live them, be with them. Awareness is all that is needed to live them. Collect them, before long you are rich with fond and sweet memories. Don’t underestimate the power of a penny!

Don’t fret and fume about the future. Just do your bit for today and the future will take care of itself – very well too!

g.     Time flies – both good and bad. So, in tough times, hold tight, be in sadhan and try to make contributions, however small in every field to come out better than last time!

h.   Be in sadhan in good times, so that you develop clarity of thought to face tough times when they do. You’ll develop internal and mental strength to face tough times when they come. Little by little your strength increases – be in sadhan every single day.

i.    Bring your awareness to every single act of the day! That way, you would have cherished what you lived. Otherwise, we mostly just exist. We pass our days like zombies! Think about it!

Care to add some more points here??!!

So, let's take these lessons and start this year. This way, our journey for this year has already got the momentum it so deserves. 

Now, we are ready to welcome this year - 2024!


# milestones, end of year 2023, start of new beginning, every old gives rise to new, year end,

Question time:

    So, what other lessons have you learnt this year?

  What are your achievements for this year?

     What are your goals for this coming year - 2024?

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Sadhan this week .
1. The week was very different for me I was feeling calm .
2. I have dreams and they relieved me of certain stress.
3. I am attending functions previously I used to think why should I attend but now I understood that I like to be in people so I starte₹ attending the functions.
4. I have addressed an issue well . Previously I used to shout on the person and cry . But this time I explained him .
5. I am able to walk freely.
6. People are always there for me .

This sadhan cycle entire experience.
1. I am confident about myself.
2. Small amounts of clarity has developed.
3. Being with family is good .
4. Rebound time with my sister changed my approach towards life
5. Cooking * has become easy and changed .
6.Exercise has started and I understood that exercise can be done in small packets .
7. Way of doing sadhan has changed .
8. The way I conduct myself has changed .
9. I discovered a new me
10. It gave me financial empowerment.
There are in numerable benefits I have recieved. Thank you for this abundance . I am very grateful.
Thank you mam , guruji for thinking about this wonderful sadhan .
Can we do this yearly twice like during first cycle during March, April , May and second cycle during October,November and December.