Saturday, December 30, 2023

December 31st – last day of the year – 2023


December 31st – last day of the year – 2023

So, the year 2023 ends! With it comes a new beginning – the year 2024.

At the start of the year, the year seems so long and so full of dreams and hopes. We are all excited and looking forward for our dreams to be fulfilled. And, at the end of the year, the whole year seems to have “just passed by”. So it is with this year too!

So, what are the lessons we can learn from this?

a.    Time flies. We assume there is lot of time to do the “right thing” like meditating, healing, being in sadhan and lo! The entire life has just flown off…

b.    Now, is the time to do the “right things” of life. Those are the only things that are going to come with us. All other things and people of this world are going to stay back here for everyone! Enjoy the things and time with people in your life but also take REGULAR time to be with yourself and that happens only when you are in sadhan.

c.     Sadhan, meditation, healing is the way to get reconnected with oneself. Don’t miss that out for anything – I repeat, anything of this World!

Little deeds of goodness can be sown now and here. In the process of wanting to do something big and meaningful, don’t waste time. Don’t postpone doing good now! Do whatever you can, however small it seems, right now, right here! Remember, time flies.


# milestones, end of year 2023, start of new beginning, every old gives rise to new, 

also read suggested:

1 comment:


Good Evening madam,
This week experience,
1. I am observing myself when I am anger I met the people they anger me. When I am talking soft I met the people speaking softly. I saw mirror.
2. I am emotionally balanced before first cry next talk now that one changed.
3. Commitment and descipline my self.
4. Enjoying my self, laughing heartfully.
5. Way off dressing sense changed.
6. My tensions reduced. Actually the way of iam taking things is changed.

Sadhan will change everything in our life.
Thankyou reiki thankyou guruji s thankyou madam thanks to all.