Friday, December 8, 2023

On fate, destiny, attitudes and choices! – Me, my Guru



On fate, destiny, attitudes and choices! – Me, my Guru

She completed her tea and said “Well, fate decides who we meet. That’s for sure! All our yesteryear actions, thoughts, desires, wishes, prayers are responsible for what and who we meet today in our life.

But, it is our heart that decides who we WANT in our life. And so, we chose some and work on our relationships with them. We chose to let go of others.

And finally, it is our attitude that decides who STAY in our life. We and we alone are responsible for people left in our life. Just as we are responsible for the people who leave our life.

Now, you decide how you want to place fate, attitude and emotions or heart in your life.” So saying, she left us to think for ourselves.

We got our answers. But these answers left us with more questions. But then, they were for an another day!



# fate and destiny, attitudes, character, on choices, we are where we are for who we are, decisions, clarity of thought, actions and repercussions, emotions, law of attraction, 

also read:  


read the above link to know how fate works.

what freewill is?

what is destiny?

what is soul agenda?

I have given link to only one post - but read the previous links of that post - from the beginning to end to get all your queries on this subject cleared....

don't miss on this COMPLETE LINK - most of your questions are answered here - and then get back with your understanding and clarifications.....


Swati said...


Mam you can tead mind or what's going on my mind.
May be 2days back I was thinking on the same lines.
I just know I didn't get any answer but just moved on as the day ended.
May be in person if possible would like to talk on this.


Good Evening madam,

This is bhagyarekha,

This week My performance chart.

1. my mother had health issue, i stayed in home to take care her.
before when i stay in home i will get some irritation and shout unnecessarily, this time i am peace, i fulfill my duty (responsibility).

2. vasthu healing (I put the iron box on my clothes, i forgot my son brought me to that room, everything if fine, second incident i forgot to switch off the gas i went to brought to water i saw.)

3. i stopped to interfere to unnecessarily things.

4. awareness improved

5. Everyone have own opinions on me, i always try to up to mark (Iam not comfortable with that)to satisified them , but this time onwards I start to live myself.

Thank you reiki, Thank you gurujis, Thank you mam