Friday, December 22, 2023

Bad people are actually broken ones!


Bad people are actually broken ones!

People who hurt others are the ones who are broken more than others!

People who hurt others are the ones who are in pain that even they are not aware of!

People who are jealous, envious, manipulative, cheating, frauds, exploiting are the ones who are farthest from their soul consciousness.

If you can show compassion, it will help you grow!

If you don't have strength to deal with them, take a step back (mentally), detach yourself from them and then heal them. they are the ones who need healing more than anyone.

Bad people are actually the broken ones.

They are the bleeding ones. 

They need healing more than anyone!

Practice compassion with them. That doesn't mean you let them exploit you of your life and life's savings!

But, heal them if you can and wish to and move on (mentally mainly).

Detachment is not physical but mental. If you detach yourself mentally, you still can be with that person and not get hurt. That is real freedom!

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