Saturday, December 16, 2023

The mystic says – On waiting!



The mystic says – On waiting!

Patience is not just passing the ability to wait.  It is the ability to keep the right attitude, being calm while waiting. Everything comes to those who can wait!

Everyone is forced to wait. But, the ones who have faith in the process or in the Creator will have cheerful disposition while waiting!

Where there is no trust, it expresses itself as complaints, fear, anger, anxiety and tears. Trust doesn’t demand! And while it waits , it creates – something beauriful and useful to the world.

And those who know to wait and who can wait, enjoy waiting. For them waiting is no pain!so you see, desire/wish not being fulfilled is not the problem or the cause of our suffering. The attitude we have while waiting is the problem. 

Patience is not a word! It is an attitude. It is developed when we put that in practice. We can practice it only when we get a chance to "wait" for something we desire so badly!

So, let's put all our waiting time to good use. Let's develop the virtue so important for our existence. It is imperative for our mental well-being. It is so essential for our peace of mind. It is the foundation on which our happiness rests! Let's build this attitude solely for our well-being - not to please any God high above us!


# patience, virtue, waiting, trust, faith, miracles, disciplined mind, disturbing emotions, Rama, attitudes, character, 



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