Sunday, December 3, 2023

Milestones 2023 – 200 posts


Milestones 2023 – 200 posts

We have crossed one more target set before us – that of 200 posts

Let’s celebrate it. So what and how are you going to celebrate this milestone?

How is that you wish to show your gratitude for this amount of work put up and for benefit received?

Think and come back with your answers.

Btw, our next target would be 225 posts of the year 2015. Can we reach it?

I don’t know and can’t say for sure but will keep writing as much as I can. Let’s see on 31st Dec 2023!!!!!


# milestones, targets set, achievements, every step takes you towards your goal, one step at a time, give your best,    

Points to ponder:

What did you observe / learn from these "achieving or reaching milestones" posts?

What is this all about?

How is it related to your life and how does it benefit you in any way?

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

I will celebrate it by planting a sapling