Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Being eligible for grace – for going that extra mile in sadhan on your own!/ “March towards Manifestation”


Being eligible for grace – for going that extra mile in sadhan on your own!

Swathi – you became eligible to receive grace Reiki for next one week for going that extra mile in doing sadhan!https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2023/09/sadhan-zone-2023.html?showComment=1699125672683

Kudos, for setting up that target for self! On your own – wow!

That’s a huge shift in taking initiative.

Next, it’s about being focussed on making a change and effort for that in the right direction – that is making it through one’s effort. The shift is from seeking help, support, guidance and what not from outside source to making that shift to work on your own with a set target – excellent!

This way, you are saying "Enough of waiting for a good time to come. Enough of waiting for something to happen. Now, I take my life in my hands. I am chalking out my actions in such a way as to make my future as I wish it to be. I am taking responsibility of my actions and life. I am working towards chiseling my course. I am to regain my power over my life and myself!"

I have promised many times and I am reiterating that promise once again today! I can’t walk your path. I can’t understand on your behalf. I can’t make you change your stand, perspective and values. In all that you are all on your own.

But, I promised, I’ll stand by you as you walk this path. I’ll cheer you as you become little tired of walking. I’ll wait at your goals set (in sadhan) shouting for you and asking you to walk towards it. I’ll whistle for you when you touch the finish line!

So, here I am – not letting you feel alone in this walk. I’ll walk along with you. I can’t carry you in this path, but yes, I can walk along with you. That’s the max I can do for you. So, I too will do 8 sets along with you. After every set, share and I’ll tell if I have lived up to my word. Then, you can decide if you want to continue with next set, and if yes, I’ll join you again on that!

I’ll be doing more than one set per day though. So, don’t expect me to complete only on the 48th day!!! Just a heads up!

Anyone interested can join us in this “March towards  Manifestation”


also read: https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=changing+destiny         


Aparna Deshpande said...

Yes ma'am i am interested,🙋🏻‍♀️🙏💝

V Sridhar said...

I will join 👍

Swati said...

Thank you so so so much mam.
Things coming from you. It means I have done something.
This is a blessing. Receiving reiki from you is blessing.
Thank you for being there.
I don't remember when I got the kick and I decided I will do 8sets and may it be a life long commitment.
May be 5th September when sadhan plan till December started.
Yess I do feel a new me.
Don't want to keep a count of the days and no. Of days left for the target. Just want to walk walk and walk and enjoy the journey.
The reward is blessing from you and ur support which you are already showering on me.
Without blessings nothing can happen in life.
I have to be worthiness enough to receive the blessings.
Just a small step in becoming worthy.
Thank you mam.

Swati said...

Yes yes mam I am on it. In a day or two I was going to write about it.
Starting from 5th sept considering the cycle to be 48days (not sure about the no. Of days. Please correct on the same) today I will be completing the second cycle. And yes yes yes I am on it for the next cycle. Thank you thank you.
I am deeply indebted to you for everything
For pulling out from everything and making me feel myself and life.
Literally yesterday only I was thinking about my gratitude speech.
Thank you Supriya for everything.
Thank you kshitija.
Thank you reiki
Thank you guruji.

Swati said...


On 27th Jan I have completed the 3rd cycle. Hope the calculations are right. Already mid way for the 4th cycle.

Swati said...

Yesterday 15th March I have completed the 4th cycle.
Feeling light and good. Don't feel grudges or any baggages. Apne main mast hu.
Mam I would like to deepen my sadhan. When I do hands on I want to bring more and more of my awareness to the energy.
If you think I am ready for next level then I would like to do it.
I want to get more into healing.

Swati said...

I don't feel much energy flow while doing hands on. Am I missing something or am I doing anything wrong? Please guide on the same.

Swati said...

2nd may I completed my 5th my hands on cycle.