Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Strength of the soul!


Strength of the soul!

Life is a roller-coaster ride. It has its ups and downs! These ups and downs are part and parcel of every life! Be it animate or inanimate. Yes, even nature has its ups and downs! Look all around you. The greatest of mountains get eroded over time. Oceans get dried up. Did you know that Mount Everest was formed due to clash of tectonic plates between Northern India and Tibet! Meaning, it was once a plain land and now – highest mountain range??!! C’est la vie! That’s life!

What’s down has to go up and what’s up has to come down!!!

Maharashtra was once a grassy land like Assam where Rhinoceros were found abound??!! (As per one study done)

Look at World History and you’ll be surprised to find many such facts!

So, it is with human life too!

Now, the question is “Are we helpless in this matter?”


Soul strength, weakness and strength, ups and downs of life, life, uncertainty of life, change, being prepared, sudden happenings of life, nothing is permanent, impermanence of life, 

also read: https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2014/06/impermanence.html 

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