Sunday, November 12, 2023

On Deepavali – On reviving the Rama within and killing Ravana within



On Deepavali – On reviving the Rama within and killing Ravana within

Be it Hindu pandits killed in Kashmir, Pakistan, Bangladesh or muslims killed during riots elsewhere. It also is Jews executed in thousands during World War II or lynching of Christians at certain places in the name of “witch hunting”. It is also Africans tortured in America as slaves and Buddhists fleeing away from Tibet. There is no end to this hatred and killings unless the asura within is put to sleep. He has to be transformed into a deva. For that we need to transform our asuric qualities into daivic (divine qualities) – little by little every single day.

Let’s work to kill or do away with one head of Raavan representing one negative quality in us this Deepavali. Let’s make way for Rama within us to express himself. Only then “Dharma” can be established in this World and only then can be expect world order to be in place!


# good over evil, ultimate war to be won, winning over self, realising our good self, working on self, rituals of India, Deepavali, physical and spiritual meaning of rituals of India, ultimate purpose of life, 

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Udaya Bhanu Nittla said...

Namaste Madam 🙏
Thank you reiki and Thank you guruji and Thank you Madam. Last week we have Interschool sports meet. Our school is the host and I am the guide teacher for anchoring . I have fear to speak on dais. Reiki helped me to speak about chief guest and in tiredness Iam able to complete FB reiki last week. Thank you very much Madam for helping me.

Kshitija said...

When I initially read these post series I was not able to understand them as
I was thinking where is asura in me no I am fine .
But I was thinking about the post . Then I remembered I am having an uncomfortable feeling in myself .
I questioned myself and found anger in me then I started questioning why am I angry ? Then came my answers
1. I was angry because I was jealous of someone
2. In an other situation I was angry because of self pity.
And the journey went on I was too uncomfortable to face myself I hated myself for my selfishness, greed . lo I found the Ravana and I acknowledged him and started working on him .
Thank you reiki