Monday, November 13, 2023

We rise when we lift others!


We rise when we lift others!

So, if you have been complaining in life that life hasn’t dealt well with you, then help someone rise. That is the way to rise!

If you are in pain, then lift someone’s spirit. That’s the way to relieve yourself of your pain.

If you have fallen, then help someone rise. That is the way to rise in life! And to overcome the fear of falling– again! Be there for someone, that way you will rise in character.

This way you will practice compassion and empathy! And that way, you’ll rise as a person in life!

Lift others in life, so you may rise in life!

# helping and serving others, on happiness, on peace, purpose of life, you receive what you give, increasing the strength of soul, getting nearer to soul, 

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