Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Strength of the soul!



Strength of the soul!

Well, the answer is both yes and no.

We are helpless in the way that we can’t do much to affect this going up and down of the World and everything in it.

But, we have a choice regarding the “ride and quality of ride” that we have on this roller-coaster.

We can “scream and shout and have loads of fun” or “end up full of fright and suffer the ride”

Both, remember that “fear” is certainly experienced by all whatever be their choice. Well, the ride is such that “fear” can’t be done away with! But, are we experiencing that as “excitement” or as “I just died 100 times feeling”???

The choice certainly is ours to make!

But, one who is “weak” of “soul” can’t make the right choice. And to increase the strength of our soul we need to work on ourselves. And for that, we need to look within and find out how our mind works and how to overcome that. So, look within, accept who you are, and then choose areas you want to change and overcome them. That way, bye the by you’ll gain “strength” that no power on Earth can bestow on you. Similarly, no one and nothing on Earth can take away from you!


Soul strength, weakness and strength, ups and downs of life, life, uncertainty of life, change, being prepared, sudden happenings of life, nothing is permanent, impermanence of life, 

also read: 

1 comment:


Good afternoon madam,
this is bhagya rekha.
This week doing sadhan has,

1) Oberserving myself Post poning attitude to shift must and should do.
2) one of the eagerness came to do my sadhan, .
3) Iam always comparing to any body or any thing. Slowly I start to stop the comparison.
4) I start to giving smile in some irritation situations.
5) I had a fear to talk to my sir if it is right also I won’t tell to him. Know I am talking clearly and giving clear explanation.
6) what my mind said my heart wont listen, this is happening so many times but this time I observing myself.

thank you mam, thank you reiki thank you gurujis, thanks to all.