Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Clarification /understanding received through these exercises - Becoming eligible for grace


Clarification /understanding received through these exercises - Becoming eligible for grace

There must be others too in this list, but I am explaining by taking just Swathi and Kshitija as the case study. Read the given link to understand both cases better: For Kshitija read:  “ 

and for Swathi read:

Kshitija – as you can see,

Overcame over a few of her hesitations like being in the crowd. That caused her loss of enjoyment with her relatives’ closeness, warmth and company over the years. Now, she enjoyed the same.

Her apprehension about people’s opinion about her stopped her from going out to family functions. Now she could go and also enjoy the same.

She has become more respectful towards her body. That reflects in the way she is eating right and her food choices.

Being disciplined is a very important attitude. But it is rarely found in people. Because of all the healing that she is undergoing and various sadhan techniques that she is using, she is able to do normal and essential lifestyle changes that are beneficial for her health and mental well-being in the long run viz., walking, exercise etc.

So you see, sadhan doesn’t mean just getting what we desire. It doesn’t mean we GET SOMETHING IN RETURN ALWAYS!  The biggest benefit of sadhan is losing what we have which is detrimental for our well-being.It reflects in our change of life style, attitudes, habits and thereby bringing joy, happiness and well-being in our life.

Take Swathi next. You can read her journey of every week. This week, she fell back on her sadhan. And you can see her old attitudes coming to the front. That is the price we pay for our negligence of sadhan. Our old habits, lifestyle (harmful for us) and mental weakness take over us. And then it becomes once more, difficult to overcome them. The effort we put again seems monumental.

So, keep being in sadhan. You may not increase it. But, don’t decrease it. You have to pay “a very heavy price” for it. Don’t expect “MAAM TO WORK OUT MIRACLES FOR YOU THEN”. It doesn’t work that way…..

Hope we have learnt the RIGHT LESSONS from other’s flaws too!


for no valid reason wished to share this old post with you: so many miracles of that meet peeped from memory box....

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Thank you for the grace of reiki.
Me and my sister were very close in childhood.
We had a misunderstanding with each other and stopped talking to each other since 10 years.
Our communications were dry . I always thought she doesn’t like me , She is egotistic, She is in most comfortable place .etc etc
Not once did I thought of taking a step.
Thanks to the reiki healing . I met my sister. We spoke to each other and felt something break in me . After we spoke to each other I felt guilty about the way I thought. I really felt very nice speaking to her.