Friday, November 10, 2023

On Deepavali - On cleaning during Deepavali



On Deepavali

On cleaning during Deepavali

Why in the name of religion then?

The Oldest and the highest (one which has reached the highest levels of understanding the philosophy of life) is the Sanatana Dharma – which is Vedic philosophy. The concept and philosophy of Vedic philosophy is what is followed and came to be called as Hinduism in the World. The Seers of this Vedic age realised the Ultimate Truth – that Man’s life should revolve around his spiritual growth and being. Only the life that is lead which also guarantees his spiritual growth through his day-to-day activities would benefit him in short and long term. So, every mundane act of daily life was so structured and programmed as to see that he remembers his “soul self” and acts accordingly.

Therefore, even festivals and their enjoyments were converted into acts of worship and self-development. This way man worked his salvation as he lived his life in this material world.

This year, therefore, clean your house with little more awareness.

As you clean your house, also be aware of cleaning that needs to be done within. What is that within us that needs to be thrown away so that abundance in our life can enter into us? Let this question be with us all through the day as we set to clean our houses…….


# rituals and traditions of India, Indian festivals, Deepavali, festival of lights, vedic philosophy, 

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