Monday, November 27, 2023

Travel light!


Travel light!

Everyone who has travelled will tell you that more the luggage, difficult the journey. And they are the few who travel light and enjoy the journey. Journey becomes cumbersome to those who carry lots of baggage. Any change of plans can be easily mitigated by those who travel light.  

So it is with everyone in life too! One who travels light goes far and easy. He is the one who enjoys this flight called life! And those who carry lots of baggage huff and puff throughout the journey. They get tired too easily. They are the ones who suffer through this journey unnecessarily too!

Now, the question is, are we carrying only the essential or are we carrying unnecessary baggage with us?

Do we take time to sit and look at our baggage and see if we can unload most of it?

Carry the luggage and leave the baggage!

Then, life becomes a song that can be sung!!!


Each of these links teaches you something. Are you available for that learning this time?









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