Thursday, November 16, 2023

Little Milestones of 2023


Little milestones of 2023

Just 40 odd days and we will be completing this year 2023 – off! Looks unbelievable!

This year went by so fast!

Seems just yesterday that I was typing my first post of the year and now, almost there at the finish line!

We had decided to chart out milestones for every month – but all missed doing that!

So, now, jot down your milestones for this year – so far – so that at year-end it will be easy for you to wind up “milestones of the year 2023” effortlessly!

Don’t tag them as big or small. They are your milestones. Just note them down. Validate them. You may write a few today and then remember a few after a couple of days. No issues, that day again come back and post those ones now…you don’t need to write all of them at once. Even if you can think of just one, write it down.

We have reached various milestones in our various areas of life viz., physical, mental, clarity of thought, understandings, wow moments, dreams fulfilled, desires fulfilled, achievements and success had, accumulations made, experiences had. The list is big. So should yours be!


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1 comment:

Mona said...

Milestone 2023 : This year I celebrated all the festivals from Ganesh Chathurthi to Diwali with much enthusiasm. I arranged my clothes well in advance, took part in the celebrations with the community. Every year i tend to miss out on most events since i am always occupied with work. I took initiative and planned better this time.
- Mona