Friday, November 17, 2023

Reflections – on addressing a simple issue – at last!


Reflections – on addressing a simple issue – at last!

Since many (many actually would be an understatement) days, I was getting irritated and disturbed by the plastic wire mesh used to clean utensils. A strand of wire had fallen loose and that was being messy while cleaning the utensils. This continued and happened every single time I was cleaning utensils.

But today, for no good reason as I was washing singing a song, I simply picked it, took a knife, cut the loose end off and kept it for use. It was so simple. It was right there and yet…..

How many times, we would have suffered little nothings of life for no good reason?

Many GREAT MASTERS would use an explanation like “I am suffering because of some healing that is happening”  Really? You are actually suffering because of “Some healing” that didn’t happen!!! Understand the joke here!!!!!

So you see, solutions for many day-to-day suffering is right there but we are not able to see it because we are either not there with the problem or we are so involved in problem and suffering the why and how of it that we don’t get to see the solution (an easy one) right under out nose!

Some “GREAT mind and intelligent and logical mind” will state “See maam, it took so many days for YOU ALSO to see the solution. So us not seeing is acceptable, isn’t it? After all, it is the process we all have to go through, isn’t it?” The day you start listening to all that comes out of that mouth of yours is the day you’ll walk towards the abundance in your life. Till then, no blessing can save you from yourself!


# reflections, solutions and problems, on solving the problems, solutions, on life, issues of life, mindfulness, awareness, clarity of thought, problem solving, beingness, disturbed mind, calm mind, seeing solutions, 

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1 comment:

Kshitija said...

The words of this post keep repeating in my mind .