Saturday, November 11, 2023

On Deepavali – On reviving the Rama within and killing Ravana within


On Deepavali – On reviving the Rama within and killing Ravana within

This Deepavali, let’s do lanka dahan the right way!

We see “Raavan Dahan”. We go to attend “Ram leela” every year maybe too!

But, is it just a drama that we are attending. Are we going to enjoy just the theatrics of Ramleela?

Read “” to revive Rama within.

We enjoy killing Raavan. We enjoy burning the effigy of Raavan and think we are “Good hindus”. But is it all there is to be a “good Hindu”? Raavan represents the Asuric nature within every human born. It is not about a person. It is about the quality of ‘an asura’. Now, do we have ‘asuras’ in present time?

So, let’s visit the meaning of “asura” first. Asura is a quality that says a person who is asuric in nature revels in harming others. He doesn’t think twice before hurting and even killing children, women and old people. He derives sadistic pleasure in the pain and suffering that he causes to his fellow human beings and life in general. Sometimes, he has personal agenda, like in the case of Raavan, it was his lust for women that he caused so much of pain to women folk at large and also to their family members.

But, a person who kills others in the name of caste, religion and God also comes under the category of a asura. Every time, in history whenever a person /society had targeted a particular caste or religion to mass murder, it is a asuric nature and act in force. Such person or persons are asuras in present day. Do they belong to any particular religion or region? No, never! They are found in every religion and region. Wherever there is hatred, mass killings in the name of honour or God there is asuric nature in action. 


# good over evil, ultimate war to be won, winning over self, realising our good self, working on self, rituals of India, Deepavali, physical and spiritual meaning of rituals of India, ultimate purpose of life, 


Kshitija said...

This week I was seeing my self in a different way.
1. My stamina increased
2. I always had a craving for sweets every time I used to feel I need to save them for tomorrow.
3. This week I have received a lot of sweets and I have shared all of them with the kids , sub staff, colleagues, security everyone. It was like celebrating diwali in true spirit. I did not eat one sweet but I felt very happy and contended.
4. I have done all the work that I kept postponing since one month.
5. My eating habits have changed

Swati said...

Great going kshijita..

Kshitija said...

Thank you swathi