Monday, November 6, 2023

Me, My guru – on conducive situations needed to be kind and generous!


Me, My guru – on conducive situations needed to be kind and generous!

In his earlier days, Ramana, living Saint of Thiruvannamalai was pelted with stones. And yet, he was an embodiment of kindness. His presence was so much of love that peacocks would come and dance in front of him. Young mother monkeys would come to show their newborn to him. He would simply smile at them. They were drawn to him. Even leopards would move away from his path when he just asked them to as he was circumambulating around the Arunagiri mountain.

So, you see, situations don’t make us what we are! We exhibit what we choose to despite situations. Now, the big question is “What is that you want to exhibit through your presence and acts?”

Having said this much she retired into her quarters. We sat with our heads bent. After some time, we had to leave for our houses. We left, but part of us was left behind at her place which was stuck with her question!!

She gave us examples that we couldn't deny. But, we had reasons that she couldn't get. Only time would tell who was to understand the other??!!


# kindness, charity, generosity, on ability to give, on love, empathy, compassion, knowing self, ahimsa, hatred, understanding, 

read also: 

This is one of the favourites of all the stories that I  have written so far! It tells the cause of our problems, how it reflects in our life, how to overcome them, what to do to lessen our problems and what will happen when we follow the given technique.....everything is clearly given in this story form....

I know, you'll be tempted to write "but maam. I didn't understand, please explain..." - it is all there in the story. Read with an open mind. Read 100 times or more if need be. Read till you get it. Empty your mind before reading it to understand and apply it in your  life....

Solutions - easy and clear way has been given 100s of times. Yet, they were not applied. Why? Because, until you understand on your own, you'll not accept the answer and not apply it. Even if it means, suffering all the way and all the time....


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