Saturday, November 4, 2023

Me, My guru – on conducive situations needed to be kind and generous!


Me, My guru – On conducive situations needed to be kind and generous!

“Guruji, I am a middle-class person. I want to save money for my future. There is no one to support me. I have my family responsibilities to cater to. It hurts me a lot when you talk about being selfless and asking us to do charity! Why do you talk about such topics that give us pain and make us feel bad?” asked Vaishnav.

“Guruji, I agree with what he says” added Sneha “I have been treated badly by my in-law. And when you ask us to forgive and be kind, I feel, “who is going to tell this to my in-law?” How do you expect us to be kind and forgiving when we have been dealt with such unkindness and are hurting?”

Our Guruji smiled and said “Some of the most generous people in the world have/had no money. Some of the most wisest people in the world have had no education and some of the most kindest people in the World were hurt the most. 


# kindness, charity, generosity, on ability to give, on love, empathy, compassion, knowing self, ahimsa, hatred, understanding, 

read also: 


Kshitija said...

Thank you reiki for giving me the new me .
This week doing sadhan has
1. Helped me connect with my self .
2. I started to love myself.
3. My dressing sense has changed completely and I understood that I can be myself . The small little acts of dressing for yourself also can change you.
4. Physical exercise has become a part of my life unknowingly. I am walking doing some yoga pranayama by dividing them in to slots.
5. Inner engineering is the most important factor of my life .
6. While dressing up I have seen many belief systems fall down for example I felt jhumkas dont suit me where as in actuality I looked good in them .
7. When I started using the artificial jewellery I have observed that I can wear many of them and there are a wide variety in them . I questioned my self who stopped me from using them? The answer came spat me myself .
Thank you reiki for introducing me to myself .
Thank you for making things happen .
Thank you for the abundance.
Thank you for giving me strength.
Thank you for standing by me .

Kshitija said...

Continuation to the previous comment.
Also I have started enjoying music dancing my own way .
Always reiki is there with me.
The words of mam “ no one will judge you or be angry with you “ the statement it self is so powerful.
I often was scared of people judging me but the above words of mam often echo in my ears .
Thank you very much