Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Freedom through work and relationship!


Freedom through work and relationship!

The mystic says “Work your freedom through your work and relationships”.

It is easier to practice detachment when we are working. Work can be anything – official, social or mundane routine of our daily life. As we work through our day, we are given umpteen chances to practice detachment.

We have lots of relationships in life. Yet, we go seeking that “one missing” in life to complete our lives and our needs. We assume that the relationship that we are seeking is the key to our satisfaction and happiness. It never is! Even all those who got what they chased would vouch for this! But, we don’t want to listen to these words however told and by whomsoever! We have our arguments and logic to sell our “need” to the other and the world! But alas! Even if our job is well done in being able to “sell our need” and in “justifying our need and fulfillment of our desire” it is not going to go our way just because you are good at selling it. We receive what is needed by us to learn or unlearn our lessons in life. Not as per our desire. 


# freedom, enlightenment, moksh, on relationships, karma and destiny, fate, working out our karma, purpose of relationships, use work to heal karma,

also read suggested: 

    Questions addressed and points to ponder:

    • The one that binds us is the very one that can release us from it!
    • Freedom from work is the dream of a lazy, dependent and irresponsible person.
    • Freedom from work binds us more with our karma.
    • Freedom can be worked only through work.
    • Both denial and negativity towards work bind us to it.
    • Only love and detachment release us from relationships.

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