Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Work - Cure from all emotions and answer to abundance!


Work - Cure from all emotions and answer to abundance!

Whenever you feel low, work!

Whenever you feel there is no hope, work!

Whenever you feel fear because of the uncertainty of the future, work!

Whenever you feel angry because of someone or something, work!

If you are depressed, work!

If you are lonely, work!

If you are sad, work!

If you are confused and aimless, work!

If you are lost, work!

Work is the panacea for all ills. It is the ‘go to’ friend that peps us up from any emotion. If lifts us up at all times. It heals like nothing else. It is the way to work out your dreams.

Work need not be fruitful or rewarding by way of money or some material benefit. It can be simple work like –

Cleaning the house/workspace

Doing your chores

Doing long pending jobs/work

Doing your garden


Give those clothes to dry-cleaning which is long pending

Take out those clothes that you need to give away

Clean up your phone/computer

Get that dress/ bag or something to stitch which you couldn’t do for since long.

Just about anything as simple as above….

This way not only you come out of that emotion that is dragging you down, you also get your pending work done.

Next, once your emotion goes away leaving you clear, you’ll be able to see the situation clearly and come out with the solution easily…..

So, our go to mantra should be and will be “WORK”….

Of course, this is only for people who ‘DESIRE’ to come out that feeling which is making them feel bad!

Those who want to linger with that feeling, just go to other post….


Read a previous post that supports this post......and give its link for others to read....     


Kshitija said...

Thank you
The following are few links


Particularly when I read the post I have related to the following link
Each post of cleaning has taught me how to do the work in various areas of my life there upon working on the various areas of my life . Every work done cleaned me internally .

V Sridhar said...

This is Simple & Simply Beautiful.. because it works...😄 Recently I was feeling a little low, a little bored.. I just started dusting & cleaning the rooms.. remembering to do it with Awareness... Before long I found a rhythm 🎶 and after cleaning I felt good as the place looked good and as I was the artist behind that effort, I realized it was really not a big effort... just a simple chore done with a trace of awareness..

AND THIS HAPPENS EVERYTIME... it's almost like a "Go To Meditation"... everytime the dust is removed we create more space and the original shine comes back making you smile...
The same thing happens within too.. Everytime we do Hands-on or Meditation we are cleaning the inner - dust and bringing back our original lustre that's always there, just waiting for our loving touch and attention!!!
Love & Gratitude ❤️ 🙏

Mona said...

I read this post - https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2020/06/dharma-in-work_6.html
I think I was directed towards the post because it is the most relevant for my current situation.
Whenever in doubt, just start reading the blog and you ultimately get the answer you were seeking that day. You also receive Reiki for clarity of thought and awareness.
Thank you Ma'am. Thank you Reiki.
- Mona