Sunday, January 22, 2023

Me, My Guru – on chasing our dreams



Me, My Guru – on chasing our dreams

It was then she started talking to us.

“Agreed you have issues with someone in your life. I also understand you don’t want to heal that. Fair enough! Then what are you doing with that person? Why are you with that person day in and day out?” And before we could open our mouths she stopped us with her hand gesture and continued “Listen to me completely first. I am not asking you to do anything about that situation or the person. I am just asking you to do reiki for things to go your way”

We were startled.

“What?” we asked.

“Whenever you are put in a situation that would guarantee any discomfort or unpleasantness for you, instead of worrying about or getting angry about why it is happening, why don’t you simply do reiki for ‘how you want things to go instead’?” saying this she went to drinking her tea.

Now, I knew what to do. I was trying to control every situation. And I held the person/situation not going in my favour responsible for pain and suffering in my life. That was the reason I was getting irritated and angry. I was losing it. I had my reasons not to do any healing to the person concerned. And today, she gave us a new reason to address the situation. Instead of working on that person or myself, all I had to do was send reiki to the way I wanted to situation to work out. That’s all!

Very simple and I know from experience, very effective. Now to put it to good use!

After all, she would just show us the way. It was we who had to walk!



# me, my guru series, on being optimistic, working on the situation, being pro-active, change the perspective, finding solutions, looking at problem, 

also read : 

read the comments too in the link given - you'll revisit your miraculous'll also see your growth. you'll know how much you have grown from then to'll also know what more to heal in  yourself and therein lies your secret to success in your life....


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