Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Purpose of life



Purpose of life

There is joy in every step of this cleaning.

Look within. Look at every weakness you’ve overcome and see the strength you’ve gained thereby. Look at the empowerment you’ve experienced. If little fights and their little victories can give you all this, how much more blissful it should be to clear the head of all the nests of it?

Sit and meditate!

Give it a thought!

And, the day you see some good in this and decide to start cleaning ‘that mess’ – that my dear is ‘the best day of your life’. That decision would be the best one as that’ll transform you and your life for good!



# purpose of life, negative thoughts, on choices of life, problems and solutions, pain and suffering,

also read :  

There are lots of posts addressing this point. You could come up with your go to post on this topic....

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