Wednesday, January 4, 2023

On taking a break!


On taking a break!

Sometimes we are tired.

Sometimes we are bored.

Sometimes for no good reason, we feel like not doing it.

The reason could be anything. But, the ‘break’ when taken for whatever reason becomes so addictive that it seems impossible to break it!

The break could be of anything and from anyone. It could be a habit, work, sadhan, discipline or a routine. If you have broken a habit or anything, just get back to it right from today. For example let’s suppose it is walking. You have taken a break for New year’s party preparation blah blah blah….but now you are not willing to go back to that routine. Start from today! Yes, it could be for 5-10mts. But, get back to walking. Start from today.

Similarly, whatever thing you stopped doing start it from today itself. Because, once it becomes long, it is difficult to break the ‘break’. So beware and be alert!

Of course, it doesn’t apply to bad habits that you have broken or bid good bye to! Don’t use my words to work towards your own pain and suffering.


# habits, discipline, loving the job we do, consistency and its impact on our lives, mundane routine of life,

previous posts worth visiting :

I give link of previous posts almost daily. I wish you too would do the same at least once a week - of any post that you have read this week or the previous need not be relevant to the previous post and yet if it had something to tell do share with others - who knows who needs it now?

Points to ponder:

  • Whatever the reason, go back to routine from today itself.
  • Consistency is the key to building character.
  • Discipline is the key to bringing abundance to our physical, emotional and financial well-being, not to forget the spiritual strength too!

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