Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Me, My guru – working of Karma noted in a real life situation!



Me, My guru – working of Karma noted in a real life situation!

Points to understand the post:

"We thought she would quote Rama, Krishna and we would counter that.

We had our argument against forgiveness and yet she didn’t go there. We were prepared to attack those and such explanations but here she was talking something completely different from what we expected." See here – the students are already having reasons to forgive the wrongdoer. They also had been explained how karma works based on Itihaasa (History of Vedic culture). And they had come prepared to counter all that if told. It means students don’t ask questions to which they don’t have answers – many times. They know the answers. They want validation for their venting and emotions. They come to sell their line of thinking to the Guru. No doubt, they go back angry when Guru doesn’t buy their ‘reasons’.

Ask yourself “Why do I ask questions? What is it that I am seeking?” be honest in your effort in seeking answers. Don’t fool yourself.

Your honesty will open the doors of heaven for you!

Your honesty will make you courageous.

Your honesty will make you fearless.

Your honesty will release you from your bondage and karma!


Let’s understand this with some exercise.

I’ll give one real-life example at a time.

I want you people to see how this example applies to your life situations.

In what way does this example help you to understand how the lives of those around you in impacted by this “law of karma”. Not every time we’ll be able to see it happen in our life. It is too personal for us to note that. But, in the joy of finding pain and seeking revenge for others, we notice these things happening in others' lives.

Share your stories – real life ones to validate the ‘law of karma’. How you have seen this law operate in and around your life.

When the number of stories is good enough to run home this point, I’ll share one more example – a real-life one – and then the exercise will continue. This way let’s learn it as we read about these cases.

If I don't receive feedback - enough of it from your end, then this topic will not be discussed further......


# Me My guru series, karma, everything happens for a reason, as you sow so you reap, on receiving and giving, good and bad deeds, the effect of our actions and deeds,

also read suggested 

any questions or doubts?

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