Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Me, My guru – working of Karma noted in a real life situation!



Me, My guru – working of Karma noted in a real life situation!

Our Guru continued “It is very simple. I’ll give you a few real-life examples. Listen and understand for yourself how karma acts and comes back.

Though these examples are real, this is not the only way karma works every time. These examples are not to be taken as a whole. This is one of the ways karma works. That’s how you are to understand it.

1st case: Recently, one girl came to me regretting a lot. She said “30 years back you told me not to marry this guy against my parents’ wish. I didn’t listen to you. I left the house without my parent’s permission and knowledge and got married. Now, my daughter ran away to an ashram and stated that she’ll not come back home. We pleaded and agreed to all her conditions to bring her back from that ashram. The conditions were:

You’ll let me do whatever I want to do. You’ll not stop me from pursuing my career.

I hate marriage thanks to you people. I’ll never marry. You’ll not force me to.

I hate my mom. I don’t want her to interact with me – ever!

Now, I’ve understood the pain I’ve given to my parents with my actions then. I am receiving what I gave. This is my karma coming back. I know this is nothing when compared to all the pain of my past actions. Now, I want to restart and learn Reiki. I want to start healing once again – this time not for any material benefit but sincerely to heal all the pain I’ve given to all – including you”

I am sure this is clear enough for you to understand how karma works. It may take time but it strikes at ‘the right time’ and through ‘the right means’.


# Me My guru series, karma, everything happens for a reason, as you sow so you reap, on receiving and giving, good and bad deeds, the effect of our actions and deeds,

also read suggested https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2020/03/bhaktha-and-his-bhakti-guru-shishya-my.html 

read the complete post though link given takes you to the start of the article only....at the end of the post is "Older posts ...Newer Posts" - click newer post and the next day post continues....

many questions regarding karma is answered in these posts.....

Points to understand the post in the next post contd....

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