Friday, September 13, 2024

Me, my Guru – The Blacksmith in heaven



Me, my Guru – The Blacksmith in heaven

The Angel smiled and left him undisturbed for a few more months.

But each time the Angel came, the blacksmith had a reason to stay back to help someone in that village. Once it was that someone was sick, the other time it was a marriage in someone’s house and so on.

When finally, the blacksmith became old, frail and unable to do any more work, he prayed to God “Dear God, if you still have a place for me in heaven, I am ready to come”.

Immediately the Angel appeared in front of him. The Blacksmith was very pleased. He said, “Dear sir, if God still permits I am ready to come and stay in heaven. I want to come home”.

The Angel laughed and replied “Where do you think you were all these years? This is heaven where you were living all these years. You are HOME!”

So you see heaven and hell are the places that we live every day of our life. When we live for others, it is heaven. When we are selfish, we are choosing hell for ourselves.

The Purpose of life and contentment in life are interwoven. When we share what we have with others for they need it, that itself becomes the ‘Purpose of life’. The Purpose of life is not found by many because they search for it out of ego. We want the name, fame, money or some benefit out of Purpose of life goo!

In whatever we try to be of service to others we can make the Purpose of life out of that. The Blacksmith had a job that was a very basic one. But he always thought of it as a means to ease others’ lives. He lived his life servicing others through his profession. He led a selfless life that way. That was heaven! That is the “devotion” God expects from one and all – this is told in every scripture!”


# Me my guru series, blacksmith in heaven, heaven and hell, sacrifice, seva, on helping others, purity of intent, selflessness, honesty, humility, 

also read suggested

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