Monday, September 30, 2024

Me, My guru – Little Patridges and the mighty Ocean – Bhagavatham!



Me, My guru – Little Patridges and the mighty Ocean – Bhagavatham!

The Lord being omnipresent replied, “The eggs are in your ocean bed. Go and get them”.

The Mighty Ocean understood what the Lord meant. He dived in and brought out the eggs of the Patridge couple. He gave them to the Patridge couple. He stood with his head bowed in front of the Lord.

The Lord Vishnu now said to the Patridge couple “Now that you’ve got back your eggs, stop filling the Mighty Ocean with rubble. All of you go about your normal life. Forget all this and move on”.

Having got their eggs, the Patridge couple were overjoyed. They agreed to Lord Vishnu’s advice and left for their home after thanking all the birds for their help.

The rest of the birds too felt elated that they could help the Patridge couple in getting back their eggs. Everyone felt happy.

So, you see, “God also helps only those who help themselves!”.

Simply complaining, abusing God or begging doesn’t cause events to change or happen. We have to do our bit.

It is possible, someone has hurt, cheated or manipulated us. We can sit, complain and cry for the rest of our lives. That’ll not make an iota of difference though in the quality of our lives. Things will not change for the better. On the contrary, we’ll end up becoming bitter and bitter. We’ll lose our joy, peace and sleep over time. We’ll miss out on our living.


# bhagavatham, patridge and the ocean, destiny and fate, resolve, intent, determination, breakdown situations and break through situations, Me my guru,

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