Thursday, September 12, 2024

Me, my Guru – The Blacksmith in heaven


Me, my Guru – The Blacksmith in heaven

“In a certain village lived a devout blacksmith. He was a man of simple ways and taste. He led a straight and simple life. God was very pleased with the way he followed God’s teachings. So, at the right time, God sent one of his best angels to fetch his devout devotee. He was just in his early 50’s.

The angel met the blacksmith and said “God is very pleased with your attitude and the way you lead your life. He therefore sent me to fetch you for you have been assigned a special place in heaven by God himself”.

The blacksmith was very pleased to hear that God approved of his life and devotion. He was overjoyed that he had been assigned heaven by God himself. And yet, he said, “I seek God to give me a few more days to live for my neighbor is very serious and there is no one to take care of him. Let him get well and then I’ll come”.

Angel agreed and left him. When Angel came a few days later, the blacksmith said “It is harvest season. There is no blacksmith in the village except me. Every farmer will need my services. If it is possible ask God to spare me a couple of months. Once the harvest season is over, I’ll come to stay in heaven”.

The Angel smiled and left him undisturbed for a few more months.


# Me my guru series, blacksmith in heaven, heaven and hell, sacrifice, seva, on helping others, purity of intent, selflessness, honesty, humility, 

also read suggested 

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