Saturday, September 14, 2024

Me, my Guru – The Blacksmith in heaven



Me, my Guru – The Blacksmith in heaven

In whatever we try to be of service to others we can make the Purpose of life out of that. The Blacksmith had a job that was a very basic one. But he always thought of it as a means to ease others’ lives. He lived his life servicing others through his profession. He led a selfless life that way. That was heaven! That is the “devotion” God expects from one and all – this is told in every scripture!”

When our Guru completed this story there was pin-drop silence for some time to come. Our various questions were answered.

Is there heaven and hell?

How to qualify for heaven?

We are afraid of going to heal. How to avoid going there?

How to lead a life that would please God?

What are the qualities of a true devotee?

What is the Purpose of life in our life? How to find it? Where to look for it?

When we look out for people in our family, does it count as a selfless act? Certainly not! Many times, people want to put up an act of selflessness - when in fact all they did was fulfill their duties. Know the difference and act accordingly!

The answer was simple and straight. But something in that answer disturbed us. Was it the simplicity of the answer?

We couldn’t exactly know what disturbed us. Yet with the answer received we left for good!

Pointers to understand this post:

He lead a straight and simple life. God was very pleased with the way he followed God’s teachings. So, at the right time, God sent one of his best angels to fetch his devout devotee. He was just in his early 50’s.” – So you see, God loves those who are simple and pure. He doesn’t want all the “expensive rituals” that we follow to please him and find His Grace. Right attitude is all that God expects from us.

We don’t have to market ourselves as “good people” or “spiritual ones” to others of this World. It is totally useless. How you market may make a impact on your “image” but to God it is the purity of intent that matters.

If the attitude and intent are good, God would choose you to shower His Grace on you – even without you asking for it!


# Me my guru series, blacksmith in heaven, heaven and hell, sacrifice, seva, on helping others, purity of intent, selflessness, honesty, humility, 

also read suggested 

read the link given to understand how we all create our own heaven and hell

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