Saturday, September 28, 2024

Me, My guru – Little Patridges and the mighty Ocean – Bhagavatham!



Me, My guru – Little Patridges and the mighty Ocean – Bhagavatham!

They all started carrying sand in their little beaks and throwing it in the Mighty Ocean. Time passed.

The entire beach was filled with the commotion of all the patridges. It was a strange sight.

Other big birds noticed this. They found this intriguing. They approached the patridges and asked them “What are you people doing?”

The patridges pointed to the Patridge couple and asked the big birds to ask them for an explanation. When asked by the big birds, the Patridge couple explained the loss of their little ones by the Mighty Ocean and also explained to them their resolve to punish the Mighty Ocean. The big birds found it very inspiring that such small birds had such great commitment to support their fellow patridge. The big birds felt it was their duty to help the little ones of their family. So all the big birds started taking bigger rocks and started filling the Mighty birds.

Little by little, the word spread in the bird kingdom. Birds from far and wide joined their YAGNA now.

Everyone felt each of them had to help the Patridge couple. They joined hands with the patridge couple in the war against the Mighty Ocean.


# bhagavatham, patridge and the ocean, destiny and fate, resolve, intent, determination, breakdown situations and break through situations, Me my guru,

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read the complete link

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