Monday, September 16, 2024

Me, my Guru – The Blacksmith in heaven



Me, my Guru – The Blacksmith in heaven

When finally blacksmith became old, frail and unable to do any more work, he prayed to God “Dear God, if you still have a place for me in heaven, I am ready to come”.” – You can understand two main things from this.

One, he prays to God to take him when he is finally old and frail and is of no use to others. What selflessness!! He is not bitter. He is not saying “I helped all and yet no one to take care of me blah blah blah….”

Second, he asks God if there is still a place for him in heaven. He doesn’t take God’s invitation as his ‘entitlement’. He doesn’t consider it his right. He is not boastful of his invitation before. He is not arrogant and demanding of his invitation now. He is humble. He says he is ready to come if God still allows him to.

He is not demanding a place in heaven stating “I helped others. I sacrificed heaven for others. I am above temptation etc etc”

Many times people say “I did Pooja/sadhan/charity how come I am still suffering?”

We demand results conducive to our taste in exchange for any ‘small acts of good’ that we do.

See the difference!

Know what is right and what is what!

POL is not something that needs to be chased away from our normal life. It can be found in the mundane routine of our lives. Intent and purity of thought is all that takes to make a simple act of living into the noble purpose of life!



# Me my guru series, blacksmith in heaven, heaven and hell, sacrifice, seva, on helping others, purity of intent, selflessness, honesty, humility, 

also read suggested 

A few of you have been reading the blog it is possible that you have already read the links given here. Yet I suggest you read it again - to refresh the post, to see if you are able to understand it better now, to be able to find your answers in those old posts this time.....

come back with your experiences....

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